Thursday 27 October 2011

Pet abuse issue

1a. Pet abuse

2a. What do you understand from your readings regarding the issue?
            Pet abuse has becoming worse in the society nowadays. There are many reasons that cause this issue to be happened. The main reasons are irresponsible actions of pet owners on their pets and also the cruel behavior of the people who abuse pets. This group of people must be punished and aware of their violent actions towards the pets.
            Furthermore, the happening of pet abuse shows that some of the people do not have moral feeling towards the pets and thus, they are able to apply the same principal to other people as well. They do not care about others’ feeling. Consequently, they get involved in gangsters’ activities and this causes social issues to be happened.  
Therefore, this issue has to be concerned by the society in order to solve this problem. In this way, the safety of pets is safeguarded and the social issues will be solved. 

b. Why do you think it occurs? Explain your answer.
            There are several reasons that cause pet abuse to be happened in this society. They are the psychological problem of the people who abuse pets, negative influence of the movies, video games that emphasizes on violence and also the negative characteristics of the people. Therefore, the authority needs to devise a comprehensive plan to overcome this issue effectively.
            People nowadays face a lot of pressure from their works and some of them are depressed of their studies. They want to achieve their success in this competitive environment. Therefore, they are mentally depressed. These people find ways to release their tension in an effective way. Furthermore, they listen to music, doing physical exercises and also having rest in order to relax their mind.
            However, some of the people who are not rational and aggressive will release their tension in a violent way. For example, they will express their anger by abusing the pets. They will torture the pets to get the satisfaction. This situation is unbearable because the pets are innocent and must be protected. Furthermore, they will cause the pets to be injured physically and mentally. In conclusion, it is necessarily to restrict the laws in order to safeguard the safety of the pets.
            Besides, the people, especially the youths are influenced negatively by the movies, video games and also some of the storybooks that emphasized on the violence. Furthermore, they have the desire to control others to get their satisfaction. They also want to fight with others physically when they influence by the violence excessively. They will react aggressively toward others. For example, they want to control the actions of their pets. When the pets do not obey their orders, they will abuse the pets physically. Therefore, restrictions on movies and video games should be implemented to reduce the negative influence on the mentally growth of the youths.
            Moreover, the negative attitudes of the society towards the pets also cause this issue to be happened. Furthermore, these pet owners ignore the physical and mentally health of their pets. They do not care about their pets when their pets are sick. They also provide a bad living environment for them. This causes the pet to be abused physically and mentally. Thus, awareness campaign should be implemented to aware the society of the importance of giving love and care for the pets.   
c. Explain their impacts on
i) society
            The happening of pet abuse symbolizes the increase of number of people who act violently towards animals. Furthermore, they do not care about the others which include human being. They will act aggressively on others in order to achieve their satisfaction. For example, the people who abuse pets are violent and thus, this behavior causes them to act the same way on other people.
            This group of people gets involved in gangsters’ activities, like fighting with others. This causes social issue to be happened. For example, the teenagers who are not mature will be affected by them and thus, they do not get interested in studying but participate their activities by bullying the other students. Moreover, the rate of criminals will be increase in the society. It will reduce the safety of the society effectively.
ii) nation
            With the increase of criminal rate in the country, the authority has to allocate more resources to solve these problems. They need to modify their security system of this country and thus, they need to expand the budgets on it. In this way, pet abuse which shows the aggressive behavior of that group of people that brings about the happening of criminal affect the nation in an indirect way.
            Besides, the investment of foreigners on this country will reduce. This is due to the increase of criminal rates in the country that reduce the image of the country. As the decrease of the investment, the national income will also be decreased. Consequently, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country will be reduced.
            In addition, when the image of the country reduces, the tourism industry will be affected. Foreign tourists tend to visit other country. Furthermore, the animal lovers prefer not to visit the country that shows the bad image where the people always abuse pets. They will choose other countries to visit. Consequently, the national income will be reduced.   
            In conclusion, this issue brings about many impacts on the society and also the nation in an indirect way. We must be aware to prevent this problem from becoming worse. As responsible human being, we should care our pets with love. We must know that the pets are innocent and must be protected with love. In this way, we also build our positive characteristics, like kindness and caring towards others people.   

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